The first visit to the experimental vineyards
Visits to the experimental vineyards are also included within the framework of the Interreg project VISO (call 3/2011). Organized for wine producers and technical experts, the visits give the opportunity to study and exchange knowledge and opinions, as well as to see in person the raising grapevines in experimental vineyards, which are actually one of the central part of the VISO cross-border project.
The program of the visits , planned for 2013, will start on Friday, 26th of July 2013 with the first trip to Cormons (Italy) and to Neblo (Slovenia). This first visit will give the possibility to expound upon the protection strategies against parasites of vineyards by using, as means of protection, anticryptogamic, natural products.
The meeting point for all those interested to join the guided visit is at the Bigot&Bigot Studio Associate (PP3 - project partner),in Isonzo Street, 25/1, in Cormons (GO), Italy, at 10.30/11.00 a.m.. The field visit will be led by agronomist Giovanni Bigot.
The visit will continue after lunch in Neblo (Brda),Slovenia, with a guided tour of the experimental vineyard, that is carried out by the University of Nova Gorica and the School of Viticulture and Enology (PP1 - project partner)that uses similar methods of production. The visit will be led by prof. Paolo Sivilotti.
The meeting point is organized at 14.00/14.30, in the parking lot next to Petrol gas station Petrol near Neblo from where the vist will proceed to the vineyard next to Kožbanjšček (wine producer Čarga), which is about 1km from Dobrovo, Slovenia.