The second visit to the experimental vineyards

12/08/2013 12:45

Visits to the experimental vineyards are also included within the framework of the Interreg project VISO (call 3/2011). Organized for wine producers and technical experts, the visits give the opportunity to study and exchange knowledge and opinions, as well as to see in person the raising grapevines in experimental vineyards, which are actually one of the central part of the VISO cross-border project.

The second visit to the experimental vineyards

The vineyards of Fossalon di Grado host the new resistant varieties selected by the University of Udine (PP2-project partner) and the Institute for Applied Genomics (LP of the project) as part of a joint program for the genetic improvement of the grapevine.

The visit is organized at the vineyard with the Mother Plants Cuttings of the Vivai Cooperativi Rauscedo Fossalon Grado (GO - Italy), where there is an experimental plot with resistant varieties. During the 2013 season, the resistant varieties were treated for defense against late blight (peronospora) and powdery mildew with only 3 treatments with copper and sulfur. Guests will be able to assess the health status and quality of the grapes. The tour will be led by researchers Gabriele Di Gaspero and Simone Diego Castellarin.

The participants of the workshop-meeting for the update scientific and technical update, organized in the morning hours of the August 27th by the University of Udine, in partnership with IGA-Institute for The Applied Genomics , SOI – The Italian Company for Gardening and Fruit production, and Conavi, SOI working group for viticulture, will also join the visit.

To download the press release with the map and the invitation, please click below.

Icon invitation visit 27/08/2013 (174.2 KB) Icon Map 27/08/2013 (212.3 KB) Icon Press release 27/08/2013 (217.9 KB)